QEP Committees
QEP Topic Selection Committee
In August 2018, the College formed a QEP Topic Selection Committee (TSC) to identify a topic for the College’s next QEP. When forming the TSC, care was taken to ensure representation from the College’s various campuses and centers as well as the College’s major functional units, including Academic Affairs, Student Services, Library and Learning Resources, and Business Services. Within Academic Affairs, individuals were selected to represent the liberal arts and sciences disciplines as well as the College’s workforce programs. This resulted in a 40-member TSC comprised of faculty and staff from various locations and departments across the College.
Using several sources of institutional data and a series of surveys of faculty, staff and recent graduates, the Committee was able to narrow eight broad topic areas down to two broad topic areas. The Committee then generated three topic proposals that addressed these areas. After collecting stakeholder feedback, the TSC then developed a final topic proposal by combining elements of all three proposals. This final proposal, which centers on career exploration and planning to increase completion, was presented to and approved by the College President and President’s Staff on May 17, 2019.
For more information on the topic selection process and committee for Polk State College’s QEP, Explore to Complete, please see Chapter 1 of the Quality Enhancement Plan.
QEP Steering Committee
The QEP Steering Committee is responsible for ensuring the successful implementation of the action plan. To accomplish this, the Committee collaborates with a number of College departments and stakeholders, including Academic Advising, First Year Experience faculty and staff, Career Services and Development staff, and faculty from all disciplines. In addition, a number of sub-committees will be created for purposes of implementing specific portions of the action plan.
Career Assessment Sub-Committee
The Career Assessment Sub-Committee formed in the summer of 2020. This Committee is responsible for implementing the career assessment instrument and the planned changes to the College Orientation, Pre-Advising, and First Flight. Through this process, the Committee has collaborated with Student Services deans, advisors, First-Year Seminar faculty, the Director of Student Enrollment, and Information and Learning Technology.